E-SLE-EN : Secrets of Efficient Reading

Swiss Quality

Swiss Quality

Michel Wozniak is a Swiss Federal Trainer, to give you the best quality possible

What is Efficient and Speed Reading?

The current average reading speed is in the order of 150 to 200 words per minute. However, the United Nations have defined that the current minimum for what is called functional literacy is 400 words per minute ...

Speed Reading is all about minimizing interference that prevents us from reading at our brain's normal speed , which is more around 600 to 900 words per minute.

It is not a question neither of zigzagging on the page, nor of "scanning" the page, but indeed of a complete reading, which is the only option to allow to have not only the speed , but also the comprehension and the integration of content.

What does Speed Reading bring?

With more and more documents to read and integrate, knowing how to read is no longer enough. You have to know how to read quickly, well, integrate the content as well as possible and learn to effectively filter all the information that comes to us from everywhere.

With this short course, you will acquire all the minimum necessary to integrate information and to read quickly and efficiently. You will learn how to use speed reading every day to improve your performance day by day. Read two to four times faster, or even faster if you practice the techniques!

Whether you want to: save precious time, think faster, develop your analytical skills and your creativity, sharpen your memory or improve your concentration, this training is for you !

Does Speed Reading Really Work?

The techniques presented in this training are the techniques used by most of the world speed reading champions. Your trainer was also a bronze medalist at the World Speed Reading Championships in Singapore in 2016.

In addition, these same techniques are taught by your trainer to teachers in the Finnish school system, one of the best systems in the world.

What are the conditions of the training Secrets of Efficient Reading?

Who is the Speed Reading Training for?

This training is for you if:

  • You are frustrated that you have no fun reading
  • You feel guilty about spending your time on your screens rather than in a book
  • You are tired of being distracted when trying to concentrate
  • Your memory is playing tricks on you and you can't remember what you learn
  • You want to increase your reading performance to read more, or spend less time reading
  • You do not understand why some people have the facilities to read effectively, memorize their readings ... and not you

What are the goals of the training
Secrets of Efficient Reading?

What are the specificities of our training?

Being a trainer is a vocation, not just a certificate or a title

Michel Wozniak was trained at the highest level with Professor Tony Buzan, the inventor of Mind Mapping and the Speed Reading World Championships. Through his work, Tony Buzan has placed his full trust in him and appointed him his sole representative for Europe.

Michel has also proven that the techniques he teaches work by becoming a bronze medalist at the World Speed Reading Championships in Singapore in 2016. He teaches by example.